Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Little Love Bird Plush Holiday Ornament

Sweet little love bird is made of chocolate brown, golden brown, turquoise and apple green 100% wool felt with a needle-felted top knot. Layered hand-cut and hand-embroidered felt flapper measures about 2 inches from beak to tail feather. Atop Little Love Bird is a wool felt loop to attach your favorite hanger... ribbon, thread, wire... (not included). The ornament has been lightly stuffed with 100% merino wool giving the body a plush rounded figure. The back of the ornament is plain chocolate felt, design only appears on the front.

Any of my store designs will work as a plush ornament. Contact me for details!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Wool Felt Magnets

All Pammy Dawn creations are now available as magnets! I'm always on the lookout for new venues for my designs, so I was thrilled this last week when a customer requested my
Fall Oak set be made into magnets.

I was interested to see how a magnet would work in my designs because I'm opposed to using glue on my felt creations. Everything is hand-stitched so I didn't want to glue a magnet to the back of them. I discovered that I could encase the magnet with a web of stitching WITHIN the felt body and the magnets still performed magnificently.

I chose large button magnets for their strength. The best part of not gluing the magnets to the back is that they will last much longer. Glue tends to lose strength after a while and peel off, causing the magnet to become a choking hazard. With the magnet enclosed within the felt, there is much less danger, and no harmful glue chemicals. I'm very excited to see how this avenue fares in the online market.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I ♥ Happy Customers

The last two weeks I've been dragging bottom a bit - my 27 second grade students are a bit overly exuberant (putting it mildly), I caught a cold from one of them, Hubby has been working late, and my three-year-old munchkin keeps me on my toes daily. I can hear the violin music already - enough moping! I'm sure there are many with much heavier burdens than mine, but it's only human to wallow a bit now and then....

So I was just grouching along today, finally getting home from school (tomorrow is Back to School Night) at 10:00 PM, and wanting to just veg in front of my computer screen for a bit.

How surprised was I to open my email and discover the loveliest little piece of email joy - a happy customer completely made my day! I'm always so thrilled to hear back from customers, and it definitely perked me up to read her lively and lovely message. She gave me permission to share it with you - enjoy!

"Oh, my GOODNESS, Pamela!

Like, seriously!!!

I received my package and I am literally in seventh heaven -- I am ECSTATIC about the pins and I never knew I could love something so very much. You are a GENIUS with felt and a needle, for real! They are all perfect and I adore them one and all. I have placed them all on a large hobo bag that I got on sale at Target and they just make the bag POP. They look so sweet and adorable and awesome, and they really give the bag some much-needed character. The bag is soon to be my go-to bag for everything, so I'll be showing off your pins a LOT. :)

I'm going to take a picture of the bag with all the pins and post it as an appreciation photo on Etsy for you -- that way you can see your work in action! So I'm gonna hold off on leaving you feedback until I get that picture uploaded so I can post it along with the feedback.

I can't thank you enough for your attention to detail and amazing workwomanship! I really appreciate your work and I'm so thankful that I came across your Etsy shop. :)

So look for my feedback and appreciation photo in the next few days, k?

Thank you again and I'm sure I'll be back for more pins in the future! Yay! :)



How can you not grin after reading that? Thanks Jen for brightening my day!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Matryoshka Doll Hair Clip or Pin

The next installment in my holiday line of Heritage Hair Clips is a Russian Matryoshka doll. She is made of 100% wool felt and accented with merino wool roving that I needle-felted. About 2 inches tall, the doll encloses up to a 1.5 inch snap clip, but is also available as a French barrette or pin brooch. Like the traditional doll, she is completely customizable! Any color combination you can dream up, I have available for you!

Thursday, September 3, 2009